Joel Tudman
About the Author
Dr. Joel A. Tudman is the Assistant Senior Pastor at The Faith Center church in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Perviously, he served as as Associate Pastor on the teaching team at The Potter’s House Dallas, where he preached regularly to a congregation of thousands, and a significant online audience of millions, alternating in the pulpit with Bishop T.D. Jakes. Joel is a mental health advocate, pastor, chaplain, and a prolific speaker who speaks at large conferences, churches, and events including Social Dallas, The Faith Center, Kingdom Culture Conference, The Potter’s House other locations, and T.D. Jakes’ International Leadership Summit, attended by 7,000 people each year. Joel has earned three degrees, including a bachelor’s in Sports Studies, and a master’s in Health with a minor in Counseling, both from Texas A & M University. He later earned his Doctor of Leadership from JDS (Jakes Divinity School).